Forex Exchange


Investment is not new in the reality of our lives. Investment is an absolute act to be done when humans are to survive, so whenever that also human must run concept base investment that is: regulate income must bigger than expenditure.

About Forex

Foreign Exchange (forex) or is known as foreign exchange usually Indonesian people called (valas). Forex Trading is exchange rate trade transactions strange currency at international money market. forex's market
constitute greatest money market at world.

In the Year 1996 Forex in "go public" by the first United States President Bill Clinton, Happening transactions is more than 1,9 trillion US dollars everyday so makes moneys can devolve hands of one place goes to other places just in few seconds. As a result of competition in the internet forex brokers capital to open a forex account the relatively small one (depending on your choice) there are from $ 10, $ 100, $ 300 with shared facilities offered by the trading platform.

One that do transactions at market forex is: governments at world, world main banks, firm gets international level, hedge fund, valas's speculator and also individual. So with many its player at this forex's market cause money rotation becomes meteoric.

As well as stock market player forex can do trading by use of broker firm service(commision house) or doing its own online brokarage commerce has many excess be compared with by commerce other financial
products as trade as stocks, which is:

Free Commission
For forex brokers outside (the internet) many of which offer trading without commissions, but usually for their own local broker himself confirmed the existence of the commission between 300000-600000
Suggest: do not worry about the money you get blurred by the forex broker if you open a forex brokerage account in overseas famous example:,, etc. or you can use the search button here and write the keyword : "forex broker"

Compotitive Spreads (the difference between selling / buying)
Difference in sale or purchase. the foreign broker (internet- brokarages) there competing spreads as low as 0.5- 6 pips spreads. You use search button here with the keyword : " low spread forex broker"

Transactions 24 hours a day (Monday untill Saturday morning)
You are feeling ga no time to seek additional income do not worry you can online even though the night, 24-hour forex time .. you can choose yourself morning, noon or night. But i recommended trade in US time market,

Prices can not be manipulated
Forex market is difficult to manipulate because the number of actors / participants worldwide with a turnover rate of money more than $ 2.2 trillion / day. If anyone wants to manipulate it at least he must has $ 2.5 trliliion prepared. Mechel dell world's richest people have the money wrote $ 38 billion. 

Market liquidity
To open or close a position you do not need to visit these places to stay DQ broker (dealing quote) or On-line (click the mouse) to take a position / closed position.

High leverage with a margin (collateral) small
Economic principles to buy as low as high profit, the smallest capital gain as much as possible ... with a capital of $ 100 could be profit  $ 5-10/day (even more) ... you try to multiply by 22 days (effective) 1 month ....
Calculate the profit if your possision won in 10 traders....! 

Two Way Opportunity
You can be a profit even if prices go up or down . But you must havecorrect analysis (we will study in subsequent analysis)

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